
Testing the Usability and Accessibility of Smart TV Applications

Miroslav Bureš Miroslav Macík Bestoun S. Ahmed Vaclav Rechtberger Pavel Slavík
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 66(2):134-143, 2020

Breathing Friend

Kateřina Pražáková Miroslav Macík
Proceedings of Prague Design Week, pp. 22, 2015


New applications of tactile modules for individuals with vision impairments

Kryštof Woldřich Master thesis 2022
An interactive tactile modular map of an interior is being developed at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction at the CTU FEE. This thesis presents an extension beyond maps using the same...

Tactile models for older adults with vision impairments

Dina Chernova Master thesis 2020
Older adults with severe vision impairments often live in residential care institutions that provide specialized care. This user group has specific needs, abilities, and preferences, primarily from the...

Orientation terminal for visually impaired older adults

Vojtěch Gintner Master thesis 2019
This thesis discusses the design process of tactile symbols for visually impaired older adults. During the design process, I employ User-Centered Design methodology and create three iterations of the...

User model for visually impaired older adults

Petr Bílek Master thesis 2019
Older adults with severe vision impairment often live in residential care institutions that provide specialised care. This user group has specific needs, abilities, and preferences, primarily from the...

Interactive tactile plans for visually impaired older adults

Dominika Palivcová Master thesis 2019
An interactive 3D model of the building which allows visually impaired older adults to explore the exterior of the building as well as the interior is being developed at the Department of Computer Graphics...

Surveillance center UI for in-hospital navigation system

Dominika Palivcová Bachelor thesis 2017
An indoor navigation system for hospitals is being developed at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction at the CTU FEE. In this system, personalized navigation instructions are provided by...

Simulation of EFIS system of Boeing 787 aircraft

Andreas Stefanidis Master thesis 2012
This work should be used to simulate Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) of Boeing 787 aircraft. The solution will simulate various cockpit displays and will also implement the control panels to...


Research Center for Informatics (RCI)

RCI is the centre of scientific excellence in computer science and artificial intelligence that boosts and integrates internationally competitive research conducted at Czech Technical University. The...