
Downloaded scenes

Selected scenes
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BES homepage

About the BES Scene Collection

These WWW pages originates from the student project supervised by Vlastimil Havran. Project held since October 1999 - March 2000. These students were working on collecting and testing the scene datasets:

Finally, in March - June 2001 Vlastimil Havran continued working on the scene collection, particularly on converting to VRML'97 format and making preview images. Jaroslav Krivanek modelled the most of scenes in class 1 - 10 primitives.

If you want to contribute to this scene collection, please prepare the scene in VRML'97 and contact the maintainer of this scene collection. Thank you very much for any donated scene.

We used these WWW sites for downloading scenes.

There are also other scenes collections for research and testing purposes:
Global Illumination Test Scenes, MGF Example Scenes, scene.org, BART, and others.

If you use the scene for research purposes, please, follow these citation instructions.

These pages are always under progress. Thanks for understanding.

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This page is maintained by Vlastimil Havran. It was last updated on 25 June, 2001.
If you have any comments, please send a message to havran"at-character"fel.cvut.cz .