Real-Time Patch-Based Stylization of Portraits
Using Generative Adversarial Network

David Futschik
CTU in Prague, FEE
Menglei Chai
Snap, Inc.
Chen Cao
Snap, Inc.
Chongyang Ma
Snap, Inc.
Aleksei Stoliar
Snap, Inc.
Sergey Korolev
Snap, Inc.
Sergey Tulyakov
Snap, Inc.
Michal Kučera
CTU in Prague, FEE
Daniel Sýkora
CTU in Prague, FEE


We present a learning-based style transfer algorithm for human portraits which significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art in computational overhead while still maintaining comparable visual quality. We show how to design a conditional generative adversarial network capable to reproduce the output of Fišer et al.'s patch-based method that is slow to compute but can deliver state-of-the-art visual quality. Since the resulting end-to-end network can be evaluated quickly on current consumer GPUs, our solution enables first real-time high-quality style transfer to facial videos that runs at interactive frame rates. Moreover, in cases when the original algorithmic approach of Fišer et al. fails our network can provide a more visually pleasing result thanks to generalization. We demonstrate the practical utility of our approach on a variety of different styles and target subjects.

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Proceedings of the 8th ACM/EG Expressive Symposium, pp. 33–42, 2019

(Expressive 2019, Genoa, Italy, May 2019)


style exemplar our approach pix2pixHD pix2pix

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