This is DOMINIQUE. I used Fractal Design's Poser and made her in Lightwave 5.0 and the background was made in World Builder. I used no maps or paint programs. I make most of my models without the assistance of paint programs to show that Lightwave has all the tools you need to make nice looking models. The unicorn was my first try at an animal. The unicorns hair was made in Fiber Factory which means you can not translate the hair out of Lightwave because the hair are single point polygons. I made Dominique for 3D Studio without single point poly's and I hope you have a hair program because I think the model looks nicer with hair. If you like any of my models, email me and let me know. You may use the model any way you like but if you use it commercially, please let me know. If you have a special project you think I might be able to help you with, just email me. I love email. Mike Beals