WARHAMMER FANTASY ----------------------------------- IMPERIAL HELBLASTER VOLLEY GUN ----------------------------------- The Helblaster Volley Gun is used in the Warhammer Old World by the Armies of the Empire. It has nine separate barrels fixed on a circular crank. As the crank is turned a clever system of cams ignites each charge in turn propelling a cannon ball from the gun. The advantage of the Helblaster is that it can fire several shots at once in a devastating volley. --------------------------------------------------- Modelled and surfaced by Salamander in Lightwave 3D --------------------------------------------------- *The model is based on a fantasy wargaming model by Citadel Miniatures. --------------------------------------------------- *Please do not include this model on any CD-Roms without written consent *from me. This model is not to be resold or remarketed. This model is *free to use in any private manner. If you plan to use this model *commercially in any manner please contact me concerning this for *terms of commercial use. Thank you. ----------------------------------- Model © Salamander'98 (Trevor Guilliano) E-Mail : tregu@gibnet.gi ----------------------------------- *COMING SOON : WH40K IMPERIAL DEMOLISHER*