Virtual Campeche

The international cultural project headed by:
  1. Bedrich Benes (Purdue University, USA)
  2. Rocio Ruiz Rodarte (UNAM, Mexico)
  3. Jiri Zara (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Choose the type of the presentation:
Check required software installation(s):
I. Basic HTML version No special software required, only frames supported by the web browser
II. 3D & HTML presentations: Install VRML plug-in:
  • Free Cortona plug-in from the Parallel Graphics is recommended.
III. Multi-user 3D presentation 

For administrators only: start the (local) server
Install the following packages:
  • Free Cortona plug-in from the Parallel Graphics.
  • Free JVM from Microsoft.
It is necessary to (temporarily) switch off the JVM from Sun if it is already installed in the web browser (for MS IE use Tools/Internet Options/...)