Design of multimodal aid for learning braille alphabet
This thesis describes the design and development of a new multimodal learning aid for braille reading. It is based on large exploratory research of visual impairment and olfaction. The learning aid should help braille teachers introduce braille letters to complete beginners and provide an entertaining way to practice. The visually impaired and experts on teaching braille were consulted throughout the development of the design, which is based on User-Centered Design. After many iterations, a high-fidelity prototype was built and evaluated. Based on the findings from the evaluation, the design was reworked and improved. The main advantage of this learning aid is that it provides a different approach to learning braille compared to the available learning aids by using olfaction and the standard size of braille. The design is focused on usability and affordability to make the learning aid accessible to everyone who wants to learn braille. Additionally, the main components of the aid were made from recycled waste materials. A mobile application was implemented to make working with the learning aid even more engaging and interesting. This also makes the learning aid adjusted for self-studying.
Dean's award for outstanding master thesis